We’re Having…

Two little BOYS!

I’m 17 weeks and the babies weren’t cooperating position wise so the tech is only 70% sure so we’ll need another u/s in a few weeks to confirm but it looks like we are having two little boys!

I have to admit I’m kind of stunned.  I don’t know much about boys!  My family has lots of little girls and I grew up with a sister.  But I’m sure it will be a joyful journey of learning for me.

I have much catching up to do.  I need to tell you all about the joys of hyperemesis, premature ventricular contractions of the heart, bedrest, and Emergency Room visits.  This pregnancy has not been fun and I know I”m neglecting telling you all about it.

Worse yet, I’m neglecting tell you about Aellyn!  She’s 21 months and SO much fun!  She is so talkative and learns something new every day.  She is just a ray of sunshine!

8 thoughts on “We’re Having…

  1. Here from LFCA–
    Congrats on your twin boys! I'm a new mama to twin boys (I somehow always pictured having a daughter for some reason, so boys were a little foreign to me, too…), but so far, it's a BLAST raising these two little guys.


  2. How fun! I was a little floored by having a boy, too, but it's totally great. Each kid is an individual, so just treat them that way, and you'll be fine. Glad Aellyn's doing well, and hope your pregnancy goes more smoothly for you!


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