Houston, We Have a Heartbeat!

One, beautiful, beating heart.  In this picture the black blob is the gestational sac and the white blur between the cursor signs is our baby measuring only .47cm.

The sorrow at losing one embryo pales in comparison to seeing a living, beating heart thriving inside of me. It was simply overwhelming! Our baby measured at 6w1d, so my maturation age due date is 2/16. I’ll explain more about this when I figure out what the heck it means. For now I’m just going to bask in the glory of life.

8 thoughts on “Houston, We Have a Heartbeat!

  1. I am choked up with joy. I am so glad you are willing to share so much with us. You will be such wonderful parents. I am afraid to go to the store – if you know what I mean. This is one loved child by so many. I am already sure we will be honored to know this person. I thank God for this gift.


  2. Oh my god I can’t tell you how excited I am. You both are going to make fantastic parents. I am sorry but I am hoping for a boy!!! Love you both.


  3. You know, I tried to text you that day to congratulate you guys but your silly sister gave me the wrong number! lol Anyway- I’m a little late but I am so happy for you both!! I’m gonna guess…A GIRL.. ;o) Love ya!


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